Body Eclipse Pilates
07766 460 520
Body Eclipse Pilates Pershore WR10

Matwork Classes

Matwork classes are taught at Cropthorne Village Hall, Eckington Village Hall & Wulstan Hall, Pershore.
Class sizes are small, 10-12 participants. This enables individual attention, allowing you to master the basics &
achieve more noticeable results. Classes are 1 hour in length.Body Eclipse Pilates Pershore WR10
Classes are run in blocks, each block varies in length from 5 to 7 weeks.
Pilates exercises are performed on a mat & standing.
Please bring your own mat & head pillow to class.
During a block of classes some pieces of studio equipment, Flexi-bands, hand weights & Pilates overballs may be used to challenge you, heighten your awareness & help you gain the most from your Pilates class.
Wear comfortable clothing which allows freedom of movement.
Pilates is done without foot wear but you may wish to wear socks. Keep jewellery to a minimum & tie long hair back.

How do I join a Matwork Class ?

● If you are familiar with the Body Control Pilates Method you can join an appropriate level of class.
● If you have practiced Pilates but are unfamiliar with Body Control Pilates a private lesson may help you gain the most from class.
● If you are a Beginner I recommend a initial private lessons, where you will be taught some basic Pilates exercise which you can practice at Body Eclipse Pilates Pershore WR10home, thereby gaining the most from class when you join.
● If you have been referred by a Chiropractor, Osteopath or Physiotherapist
I recommend up to 3 private lessons to ensure that the exercises are appropriate.
● Private lessons are live streamed on Zoom, in your own home
● Joining a Matwork class depends on available spaces. Occasionally you may need to go on a waiting list. To reserve your place telephone or email


Before attending your first lesson please complete a Health Summary Form which will allow your teacher to access your ability &
make changes to exercises if required. If appropriate & with your permission, your teacher may liaise with your practitioner.